Cute Fairy Tattoos Design

Youthful Imagination and Wonder
Fairies signify youthful innocence with which there is a desire for one to retain their child-like imagination, awe and wonder. These supernatural beings have always been used to interfere and help in human affairs. And with this, these cute fairies have brought with them a special genre of story telling that is rich with symbolism.
Fairies Depict Childhood Fantasies
These cute fairies bring about psychological and social challenges in humans while one passes through the different stages from childhood to adulthood. With magic making fairies a favorite with children, many people adorn cute fairy tattoos as a potent symbol of their youthfulness. In fact, fairies are very popular with women. This is mainly because of the many styles and possibilities there are in designing fairy tattoos to make them fashionable. Women also like fairies as they feel they can express themselves and their inner feelings through them. Depending on the feelings they wish to propagate, fairies can be mischievous, cute, dream like or in any other form they wish to express.
Fairy Tattoos Have Vibrant Earthly Tones
Most of the time, fairy tattoos are depicted using butterfly or moth wings. Fairy tattoos usually have an earthly tone to them and can be used to depict various moods like anger, mischievousness, joy, sadness and grace.Men also wear masculine type fairy tattoos. These tattoos are usually created with fire, dragons, natural symbols like flowers and butterflies and Celtic symbols. Other times, mystic creatures and animals are added to the cute fairy tattoos to enhance the look and feel of the tattoo. In fact, a forest scene with a fairy tattoo and a unicorn or other mythical creatures make a wonderful full back or sieve tattoo piece.
Fairy Tattoos Work Well Anywhere On The Body
As fairy tattoos are very scalable, they are easily printed on any part of the body. However the lower back, hips, stomach, ankle and foot are usually the most popular choices.The versatility of fairy tattoos are worth a mention as they can be done in various shapes and sizes so that they snugly fit into any part of the body. In fact, some people have them incorporated into a beautiful full sieve tattoo.
Finding Ideas For A Fairy Tattoo
The internet is great place to browse thousands of tattoo designs. Remember a tattoo is forever and you want to view as many designs as possible before committing to a choice. Once you have found the the perfect one that suits you, bring it to a licensed artist with at least five years experience to insure it is crafted professionally onto your body. It is also smart to check to see if the artist has experience with fairies and don't be afraid to ask to see pictures of his previous work.